Irthlingborough Junior School

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Irthlingborough Junior School

Finedon Mulso CE Junior School

Creating an environment where every child can flourish.

Stronger together
  1. Curriculum
  2. Overview

Our Curriculum 

At Irthlingborough Junior School, our children are at the heart of our curriculum. We follow the National Curriculum, which identifies the subjects, the skills and the content to be taught to children.

It is our aim to offer a creative and enriching curriculum that provides exciting, stimulating topics which the children become fully absorbed in using a cross-curricular approach so we have developed this curriculum, organising learning into themes.  We strive to encompass as many curriculum subjects into each topic, making them relevant and meaningful for our children.  Therefore, during each topic children will encounter a ‘Wow Day’ that serves as a ‘Super Start’ to the topic, a ‘Marvellous Middle’ and a ‘Fantastic Finish’; which we hope will inspire the children and engage them fully in their learning.

We use a number of different approaches to explore and deliver the topics to ensure we enable our children to develop all the skills they need to be confident and successful learners. Wherever possible, children are involved in the planning stage of new topics as we value their ideas and contributions; we believe that children learn best when they are able to steer and direct their own learning. We want our children to be inquisitive and passionate about their learning and spark a desire for lifelong learning.

This page is about the subjects taught in our schools, as identified in the National Curriculum, for Key Stage 2, Years 3 to 6. 

To see the curriculum overview for each school year, please go to the appropriate Year Curriculum page, by using the menu to the top or the left of this screen.

The National Curriculum for KS2

Although we are teaching KS2, we have included some links on this page which also cover KS1. This is so that you can see the progression across Infant and Primary schools.

This is a  useful guide to what we teach in English, Maths and Science in each Year Group - Parents Complete Guide to the new Curriculum.

You can find a parent guide to the new National Curriculum by clicking here.


All children learn skills in reading, writing and speaking and listening. Literacy is vital to the future of all our children and is of the highest priority at this school.


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” 

― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!


Teaching Reading at Irthlingborough Junior School

We believe the most important skill any child can leave primary school with is the ability to read independently and effectively for meaning. We therefore provide a curriculum which offers a structured approach to the teaching of reading through discreet reading lessons and embedding this work within our creative curriculum. At Key Stage 2, we are building upon and strengthening the reading skills learnt in Key Stage 1.

Shared Reading - 'Book Talk'

This is when the whole class study a book or a text. This could be a big book, a poster or class sets of books or extracts. The text is the genre which the class will be studying in their literacy lesson that week, it is often quite challenging and a higher level than the texts they read independently. Shared reading is often followed by independent comprehension work or a writing activity. It is also a technique used when reading about other subject areas e.g. in History or Science lessons.

Individual reading

This is when children read to Teachers, Teaching Assistants or classroom helpers. What pupils need to work on next is recorded so whoever listens to the same pupil next time is informed. The children are questioned while they are reading to one of our staff - to confirm their understanding of  what they are reading and develop inference/skimming & scanning skills. There is also quiet reading time in class as well as opportunities for the children to regularly visit our library. It is expected that children also read independently at home as well as reading to a parent, carer or a sibling on a daily basis.

What books do children read? 

Assessing Reading

At Irthlingborough Junior School, teachers gather information about children’s reading on a daily basis from a number of activities. This helps us ensure lesson planning meets the needs of individuals. Teachers also formally assess and record reading progress three times a year, this is called a ‘Reading Conference’. Any child who is not making the expected progress is discussed and strategies are put in place to support them. This could be in the form of 1:1 teaching, small group activities or being heard read on a more regular basis. Extra support is given to any child who has failed to reach the expected standard. Statutory testing of reading also takes place at the end of  Year 6.

If you have any questions about how children learn to read at Irthlingborough Junior School please contact either the school office or your child’s teacher.


"Mathematics is not about number, equations, computations, or algorithms. It is about UNDERSTANDING"

― William Paul Thurston

We believe that giving children the skills to be numerate is vitally important. Children are taught maths skills that develop their awareness and understanding of number, measurement, shape and data handling. Children are not only taught mathematical skills, but also how to apply them in problem solving situations.

At Irthlingborough Junior School we place a huge emphasis on mathematical thinking and reasoning. Children are encouraged to explain their thinking at all points in their maths lessons and to relate their learning to any one or more of four mathematical powers:

  • Conjecturing a convincing (What I think and why)
  • Organising and classifying (Order and sort)
  • Imagining and expressing (Show my thinking)
  • Specialising and generalising (Use examples and notice what is the same).

If you would like a copy of our schools calculation policy please contact us and we can arrange for a copy to be provided for you.


Children are taught about the world around them – animals and plants, different materials, energy and forces. More importantly, they are taught to ask “How?” and “Why?” and taught how to find the answers through practical science investigations.  Wherever possible science is incorporated into the theme the children are currently studying.

Support your child’s science education at home


Children use computers to learn the following skills: Research, Music and Sound, Multimedia, Modelling and Simulations, Handling Data, Digital Imagery, Control and Communicating, Collaborating and Publishing. We teach specific computing skills in one discrete lesson per week, but we also use computing as a tool to teach other subjects as well.

Other core subjects 

  • Geography
  • History
  • Music
  • Art and Design
  • Design Technology
  • Personal, Social and Health Education using the Jigsaw PSHE toolkit

These are all linked into our themes throughout the year. We also have the responsibility to teach Physical Education (PE) and Religious Education (RE), although parents have the right to withdraw children for all or part of the religious education curriculum, we feel that it is vital for children to learn, understand and become respectful of other religions.  In addition, schools are advised to teach a Modern Foreign Language in Key Stage 2.