Year 3
Each week, your child will receive maths, spelling and reading homework. Homework is given out each Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday. The children can attend homework clubs either after school on Mondays or during lunchtime on Thursdays if they wish to.
- We use the Headstart Spelling scheme of work and each week your child will have a list of 10 words to practise, along with a corresponding worksheet. They will be tested on the list of words each Friday and every 4 weeks they will be tested on the 40 words from that 4-week period.
- Also, use Spelling Shed to practise spellings every week.
- Practise times table facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables using the TTRockstars website along with other strategies.
- Practice number bonds as much as possible using the Numbots website (same login as TT Rock Stars)
- The children will also complete 2 pages from their maths workbooks, relating to the current unit we are studying in maths or revision.
- We encourage the children to read daily, with at least 3 of these times being reading to an adult, which should then be recorded in the planner and signed by an adult.
- Use the questions to support your children with understanding the text not just reading the words.
- When children have read their reading book from school, they need to complete a quiz at school before changing their book.
Humanities and Science:
- Before we begin a new topic in History, Geography and Science, we will send home a Knowledge Organiser for the children to read through. These organisers contain useful vocabulary and other useful information to introduce them to the topic about to be studied in class.
Year 4
Each week, your child will receive maths, spelling and reading homework. Homework is given out each Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday. The children can attend homework clubs either after school on Mondays or during lunchtime on Wednesdays if they wish to.
- We use the Headstart Spelling scheme of work and each week your child will have a list of 10 words to practise, along with a corresponding worksheet. They will be tested on the list of words each Friday and every 4 weeks they will be tested on the 40 words from that 4-week period. Spelling Shed is another useful way of practising these spellings.
- Practise times tables up to and including 12 x 12 using the TTRockstars website along with other strategies. The children will also complete 2 pages from their maths workbooks, relating to the current unit we are studying in maths or revision.
- The children can also access the Numbots website using the same login as TTRockstars.
- We encourage the children to read daily, with at least 3 of these times being reading to an adult, which should then be recorded in the planner and signed by an adult.
- When the children have finished their school reading book, they will complete an online Accelerated Reader test at school before changing their book.
Humanities and Science:
- Before we begin a new topic in History, Geography and Science, we will send home a Knowledge Organiser for the children to read through. These organisers contain useful vocabulary and other useful information to introduce them to the topic about to be studied in class.
Year 5
Each week, your child will receive maths, spelling and reading homework. Homework is given out each Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday. The children can attend homework clubs either after school on Mondays or during lunchtime on Thursdays if they wish to.
- We use the Headstart Spelling scheme of work and each week your child will have a list of 10 words to practise, along with a corresponding worksheet. They will be tested on the list of words each Friday and every 4 weeks they will be tested on the 40 words from that 4-week period. As well as the worksheet, children can practise their spellings on Spelling Shed which allows them to learn through mini games.
- Practise times tables up to and including 12 x 12 using the TTRockstars website along with other strategies. The children will also complete 2 pages from their maths workbooks, relating to the current unit we are studying in maths or revision.
- We encourage the children to read daily, with at least 3 of these times being reading to an adult, which should then be recorded in the planner and signed by an adult.
Humanities and Science:
- Before we begin a new topic in History, Geography and Science, we will send home a Knowledge Organiser for the children to read through. These organisers contain useful vocabulary and other useful information to introduce them to the topic about to be studied in class.
Year 6
- Children will be set spelling homework every week that will be linked to what they have been looking at in their spelling groups. Every 4 weeks, or once they have finished looking at a certain spelling rule, the children will be given a 40-word spelling test covering the spelling rule they have been looking at.
- Your child will have a maths revision guide that they are set pages from each week. Children should practise their times tables facts up to 12x12 using the TTRS website.
- The expectation is that your child will read for at least fifteen minutes at least three times a week. They should be regularly reading with an adult. While they are reading, the adult should question them on what they have read.
Humanities and Science
- Before we begin a new topic in History, Geography and Science, we will send home a Knowledge Organiser for the children to read through. These organisers contain key vocabulary and other useful information to introduce them to the topic about to be studied in class.